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Blocking diodes

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Prevention and protection

A blocking diode allows the current to flow from inverter system to the battery but prevents / blocks the flow of current to the inverter system thereby preventing the battery from discharging due to reverse current. Blocking diodes are also used for protecting and preventing dangerous situations caused due to arc flashing.

Preventing reverse current

Reverse current occurs when the output of a system has a higher voltage than the input, causing the current to flow back through the system. This can happen when power is disconnected from the system and the input voltage suddenly drops. During this time, a higher voltage may be left at the output which temporarily generates reveres current.

How to block reverse current in electric vessels with blocking diodes?

Reverse current can damage internal circuits and power supplies such as batteries. Depending on the path from output to input, reverse current can damage cables and connectors. If the heat, developed by power dissipation over the device surpasses the thermal rating of the device, it may result in combustion. Therefore, it is important to control the reverse current flow.

“A perfect blocking diode protects human & system”

Easy integration

A blocking diode can be very effective with its high voltage, high current application and it can be easily integrated in the existing system. Blocking diodes come with different specifications for reverse current protection, making them a good fit for a wide range of applications. A perfect blocking diode consumes power but protects human & system. In addition to costs, in all cases there is mounting consideration and above all, additional space in the housing where it is placed. This problem can be overcome by making the right choice of size, power rating and cooling type. Astrolkwx’s power electronics and semiconductor specialists are here to advise you!

Blocking diode for electric vessels / marine applications

The disk diode is placed and mounted between two heatsinks, a fan is placed on top, weherby the heatsinks are forced air or liquid-cooled. The design is customer specific.


  • I(load): 500 – 2000 A
  • Vdc = 1000 V
  • Ta =< 30°C
  • Tj =< 160°C
*Other ratings and circuit configurations are available

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Astrolkwx team member Aniket Sarode

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