Isolated and liquid-cooled rectifiers for maritime applications

To rectify the AC-generated power that supplies your DC bus, Astrolkwx offers specially designed liquid-cooled three-phase rectifiers.

Since tap water is normally used to cool all power electronic equipment on board, these rectifiers have highly efficient isolated (aluminium nitride) water coolers and can supply up to 3,500 ADC with 3×690 Vac input voltage. These rectifiers are very compact, easy to integrate and protected by snubbers and temperature sensors.

Isolated air-cooled rectifiers for maritime application

Apart from standard rectifiers, various customized options such as isolated air-cooled versions are available. These have been specifically designed and tested for maritime environments.

Why use Littelfuse’s liquid-cooled rectifiers?

Close up of Compact liquid-cooled rectifiers
  • Compact design
  • Easy integration: Industry standard housing for easy integration.
  • Customized products: Littelfuse offers various customized products based on customer-specific and application-specific requirements.

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