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LinPak IGBT and SiC MOSFET modules


Key components of demanding applications

Hitachi Energy’s semiconductors are key components in a variety of demanding applications in markets like power transmission & distribution, industry, mobility and renewable energy. Customers rely on Hitachi Energy’s high quality power semiconductor products and use them in applications in power ranges from 50 kW to 10 GW.


  • Power transmission and distribution (HVDC, FACTS, STATCOM and others)
  • Industry (medium and low-voltage drives, soft starters, UPSs, high-power rectifiers, excitation systems and others)
  • Renewable energy (converters for pumped hydro, wind turbines and solar)
  • Mobility (rail and subway main and auxiliary drives, trackside power supply / electrical vehicles)

High-power IGBT and diode modules

Hitachi Energy offers three categories of high-power IGBT and diode modules: Insulated, press-pack and the newly launched SiC modules for e-mobility applications.

Insulated modules consist of the new innovative, low inductive phase leg LinPak and the well-established HiPak lineup with more than 15 years and more than 1 million modules in the field. Press-pack modules are a range of pressure contact IGBT modules also known as StakPak. StakPaks are Hitachi Energy’s flagship products with record power ratings up to 5200 V and more than 3000 A.

The new e-mobility module portfolio takes advantage of silicon carbide (SiC) technology, offering benefits like high-current rating in a small package and a with very low stray inductance.

Hitachi Energy’s power IGBT and diode module families are:

  • RoadPak modules
  • LinPak IGBT & SiC MOSFET modules
  • HiPak IGBT and diode modules
  • StakPak IGBT press-pack modules

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Hitachi Energy power semiconductors 2024

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